Vesterålen Havbruk

Vesterålen Havbruk is in Myre, a small town with just a little more than two thousand inhabitants. Despite this, it’s still one of Norway’s largest harbour for landings of wild caught fish. The local fishing fleet delivers more than 35 000 tons of freshly caught fish a year and most of it goes to countries across the globe – in Africa, Asia, Australia, North- and South America and Europe.
When it comes to population, we don't even equal a tiny suburb in one of the cities where our fish is consumed, but we are still an important hub in the global fishing industry. This makes us proud.
In Myre people have worked with the ocean for centuries. It’s what unites us and gives us our livelihood.
In Vesterålen Havbruk we maintain and pass on the traditions we received from our parents and grandparents. But we also develop, expand, and adjust them to meet the demands and opportunities of the future.